Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I login into my email account and it tells on yahoo homepage but does not allow me to access my email why is t

go to to get a different version of your mail. it worked for me!!

I login into my email account and it tells on yahoo homepage but does not allow me to access my email why is t
The same thing is happening to me ut's driving me CRAZY!!
Reply:hi i dont really have an answer i just wanted to get points
Reply:yahoo is having trouble right now
Reply:It's just temporary. A lot of people have posted this question. Give it a bit of time. Mine's working again and I didn't have to do anything. I did reboot, though. That's my suggestion - reboot if it's still not working.
Reply:One of the Yahoo mail servers is down. Use to access a skeleton version of mail. It's not pretty, but at least you can check your messages.
Reply:casue you are a loser
Reply:Yahoo Mail is down for repairs right now.
Reply:the server is down.......try again in some time or delete ur cookies and try now..............
Reply:I believe it's called " they are doing maintenance and NOT LETTING US IN"
Reply:I am having the same problem, just recently...I think the server is down. Try again in a few or later on tonight.
Reply:Mail is down right now. Actually some accounts are working and some aren't. It's got to be a problem with the servers and they've been down for a while. I would imagine if people are all trying to log in over and over and over at the same time that it's not helping things. Just try to be patient.
Reply:They are eliminating all email accounts.
Reply:i have the same problem its so annoying
Reply:The server is down, not all the way though.

It should pick up in couple of hours.
Reply:the skeleton site isn't working either


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